Category: Veranstaltung

Free virtual tours by Guiding Architects

Virtual architectural tours by Guiding Architects

From January 29 to February 12 2021, Guiding Architects is once again offering a series of free virtual architectural tours. We take you to Copenhagen, Paris and Rotterdam and present urban strategies around sustainability.

Free virtual tours from Guiding Architects

Guiding Architects

From October 13 to 16, Guiding Architects is offering a series of free virtual tours to highlights of modern architecture in Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest and Turin, moderated by members of the network.

International Bauforum 2019

From 19 to 24 August, the Hamburg Deichtorhallen will be turned into a design workshop for the future of the Magistrale, the international Bauforum 2019.

guiding architects meeting Budapest

guiding architects meeting Budapest

For the season start of the new guiding season the annual guiding architects meeting took place on the last weekend in February. This year it was organized by our member GA Budapest. 2017 was a very successful year for our network with over 3.000 tours and almost 36.000 participants.



Our Zurich network partner ARCHITOUR toured 115 BIGsters from Copenhagen and New York in three BIG busses over six days in Switzerland!